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About Us

We are a software company that grew out of a law firm in Toronto, Ontario. We started our journey by automating administrative processes for the firm to create efficiencies.

This experience exposed us to a world of inefficiencies in the legal industry that was previously unknown to us and made us determined to take meaningful steps within the legal tech space. As part of our journey, we have developed core technologies that have enabled us to automate the process of providing legal services.

We realized that resolving inefficiencies in a law practice required two sets of solutions: general practice management solutions as well as specific solutions for specific practice areas in a jurisdiction. When we examined the available legal tech solutions we noticed that they either provided general practice management solutions such as matter and contact management, docketing, billing, bookkeeping, reconciliations, task management and scheduling or they provided specific practice area solutions such as conveyancing platforms, corporate maintenance solutions and dispute management solutions, which generated customized legal documents in the form commonly used in specific jurisdictions. As a result of the bifurcation in the available solutions, we noticed that many firms utilizing legal tech end up with numerous legal tech solutions on their tech stack, many of which didn’t seamlessly integrate with one another.