Will & POA Builder
Nojumi’s Wil & POA Builder assists wills and estates solicitors with preparing fully customized wills and powers of attorney in minutes. Nojumi allows you to send a comprehensive electronic intake form to your clients to obtain the details of the people who will be named in the documents as well as all of the assets and liabilities that will be subject to the documents. In addition to preparing the estate planning documents, Nojumi also assists with the preparation of correspondence to your client to confirm their instructions at the outset of the retainer as well as a reporting letter provided at the conclusion of the retainer. Finally, in addition to basic and reciprocal wills, with Nojumi you can implement the multiple wills strategy for your clients and select the assets you wish to include in each will.
Will & POA Builder
$50 per Matter
Let's get started
If you regularly act for Private Mortgage lenders and wish to automate your practice, get yourself a Nojumi account and benefit from the many automated solutions it offers. As part of our onboarding program, in addition to setting up your account, we will walk you through your first closing to make sure you learn to fully utilize the program’s features.
Contact Us
255 Duncan Mill Rd, Suite 710
Toronto, Ontario M3B 3H9